Medtanken Group

A new Swedish primary care player with strong local footprint

Medtanken Group is the result of a vision to create a new player within Swedish primary care. In addition to primary care, Medtanken offers services within rehab, vaccinations, occupational healthcare, and youth psychiatry, all combined with a strong focus on the digi-physical future.

Our reason to partner up

  • Substantial addressable market with long-term growth
  • A fragmented Swedish primary care market
  • Improve patient experiences and outcomes through multiple adjacent healthcare services
  • Use digital transformation in industry to create a strong digi-physical care offering.

What we add

  • Buy and build capabilities
  • Procuritas track record of healthcare services
  • Visionary thinking – formation of new leading player in primary care in Western Sweden

Procuritas team

Oskar Lindholm-Wu


Shu Sheng


Ulrika Kopp

General Counsel

Other companies.