Procuritas partners up with Medpro and Omtanken
Procuritas Capital Investors VI (“Procuritas”) partners up with Medpro and Omtanken, to build a new player with a strong local footprint in the Swedish primary care market.
Two entrepreneur-owned primary care providers, Omtanken and Medpro, are merging to form a dynamic healthcare player. Medpro and Omtanken share a vision of delivering and enhancing the quality within the primary care market, and to develop digi-physical solutions which will increase accessibility and patient satisfaction. Procuritas partners with the newly formed group to facilitate accelerated development, multi-regional and digital expansion.
After the merger, the new group will become the third largest private primary care provider in the Västra Götaland Region with 14 clinics, c. 100,000 listed patients and a turnover above 500 MSEK.
“Omtanken and Medpro will jointly develop innovative solutions which assist the patients on their care pathway. In order to deliver integrated digi-physical care, further investments will be required, and I am delighted that Procuritas has chosen to become our partner on this journey. With their support, we will have unique opportunities to become a leading player within the Swedish healthcare market, while offering high quality care to our patients”, says Nick Johansson CEO Omtanken and incoming CEO for the new group.
”Our two companies are a great fit, and this has become even more apparent from our discussions. I view this merger as the natural next step in developing a patient focused Swedish healthcare opportunity. For all our patients, employees and suppliers, the day-to-day operations will continue as usual.”, says Hans Wittrup, CEO Medpro and future Chief Business Development Officer.
“Medpro and Omtanken are two well managed companies led by strong entrepreneurs within the Swedish primary care market. Together with the founders, Nick Johansson and Hans Wittrup, we will focus on further enhancing the quality of care, develop digital solutions, and invest in growth over the coming years. We are truly looking forward to our joint venture.” says Oskar Lindholm-Wu, Partner, Procuritas.
The transaction, which is subject to review by the Swedish competition authority and approval from the Västa Götaland Region, is expected to close in Q1.