
Leading independent locksmith in Norway

Låssenteret designs, installs and services locks, access solutions, and other security-related products for private, public and commercial customers all over Norway.

Our reason to partner up

  • Opportunity to build the market leader for locksmith and access control services company in Norway
  • Growth driven by the digitalization of locking systems in the locksmith market
  • A market with steady growth and profitability

What we add

  • Experience from business services growth journeys
  • Buy and build capabilities
  • A clear plan how to position the company and expand to create more value

Fund: PCI VI
Year of acquisition: 2020
Number of employees 2024: 400
Revenue 2024: 74 MEUR

Related information:

Procuritas to partner with Låssenteret

Visit Låssenteret

Procuritas team

Erik Fougner


Ulrika Kopp

General Counsel

Other companies.